description | xsd:string |
The contents of the Annontation section of the top-level OVF Entity. If unset,
any existing annotation on the entity is left unchanged.
includeImageFiles | xsd:boolean |
Controls whether attached image files should be included in the descriptor.
This applies to image files attached to VirtualCdrom and VirtualFloppy.
Since vSphere API 4.1
name | xsd:string |
The ovf:id to use for the top-level OVF Entity. If unset, the entity's
product name is used if available. Otherwise, the VI entity name is used.
ovfFiles | OvfFile[] |
Contains information about the files of the entity, if they have already been
downloaded. Needed to construct the References section of the descriptor.
OvfFile is a positive list of files to include in the export. An Empty list
will do no filtering.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |