addressSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its IP address.
alternateDnsServerAddressSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its secondary DNS.
arpRedirectSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its ARP Redirect value
Since vSphere API 4.0
defaultGatewaySettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its gateway.
hostNameAsTargetAddress | xsd:boolean |
True if the discovery and static targets can be configured with
a host name as opposed to an IP address.
Since vSphere API 4.0
ipConfigurationMethodSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports DHCP.
ipv6Supported | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports the use of IPv6 addresses
Since vSphere API 4.0
mtuSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its MTU, (for Jumbo
Frames, etc)
Since vSphere API 4.0
nameAliasSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its name and alias
Since vSphere API 4.1
primaryDnsServerAddressSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its primary DNS.
subnetMaskSettable | xsd:boolean |
True if the host bus adapter supports setting its subnet mask.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |