bootOptionsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether boot options can be configured
for this virtual machine.
Since VI API 2.5
bootRetryOptionsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether automatic boot retry can be
configured for this virtual machine.
Since vSphere API 4.1
changeTrackingSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates that change tracking is supported for virtual disks of this
virtual machine. However, even if change tracking is supported, it might
not be available for all disks of the virtual machine. For example,
passthru raw disk mappings or disks backed by any Ver1BackingInfo cannot
be tracked.
Since vSphere API 4.0
consolePreferencesSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether console preferences can be set for this virtual machine.
cpuFeatureMaskSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether CPU feature requirements masks can be set for this
virtual machine.
disableSnapshotsSupported | xsd:boolean | Deprecated.
As of vSphere API 4.0. The value returned from the server is
always false.
Indicates whether or not snapshots can be disabled.
Since VI API 2.5
diskSharesSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether resource settings for disks can be
applied to this virtual machine.
Since VI API 2.5
guestAutoLockSupported | xsd:boolean |
Since vSphere API 5.0
hostBasedReplicationSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates that host based replication is supported on this virtual
machine. However, even if host based replication is supported,
it might not be available for all disk types. For example, passthru
raw disk mappings can not be replicated.
Since vSphere API 5.0
lockSnapshotsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not the snapshot tree can be locked.
Since VI API 2.5
memoryReservationLockSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether
may be set to true for this virtual machine.
Since vSphere API 5.0
memorySnapshotsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports memory snapshots.
multipleCoresPerSocketSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether multiple virtual cores per socket is supported on this VM.
Since vSphere API 5.0
multipleSnapshotsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports multiple snapshots.
This value is not set when the virtual machine is unavailable, for instance,
when it is being created or deleted.
npivWwnOnNonRdmVmSupported | xsd:boolean |
Supports assigning NPIV WWN to virtual machines that don't have RDM disks.
Since VI API 2.5
poweredOffSnapshotsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports snapshot operations in
poweredOff state. This flag doesn't affect vim.VirtualMachine.GetSnapshot,
which is always supported.
quiescedSnapshotsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports quiesced snapshots.
recordReplaySupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether record and replay functionality is supported on this
virtual machine.
Since vSphere API 4.0
revertToSnapshotSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports reverting to a snapshot.
s1AcpiManagementSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports ACPI S1 settings management.
settingDisplayTopologySupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether of not this virtual machine supports
setting the display topology of the console window.
This capability depends on the guest operating system
configured for this virtual machine.
Since vSphere API 4.0
settingScreenResolutionSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether of not this virtual machine supports
setting the screen resolution of the console window.
This capability depends on the guest operating system
configured for this virtual machine.
settingVideoRamSizeSupported | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether the video ram size of this virtual machine
can be configured.
Since VI API 2.5
snapshotConfigSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports snapshot config.
snapshotOperationsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports snapshot operations.
swapPlacementSupported | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether the virtual machine has a configurable
swapfile placement policy.
Since VI API 2.5
toolsAutoUpdateSupported | xsd:boolean |
Supports tools auto-update.
toolsSyncTimeSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether asking tools to sync time with the host is supported.
Since VI API 2.5
virtualMmuUsageSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not the use of nested page table hardware support
can be explicitly set.
Since VI API 2.5
vmNpivWwnDisableSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the NPIV disabling operation is supported the virtual machine.
Since vSphere API 4.0
vmNpivWwnSupported | xsd:boolean |
Supports virtual machine NPIV WWN.
Since VI API 2.5
vmNpivWwnUpdateSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the update of NPIV WWNs are supported on the virtual machine.
Since vSphere API 4.0
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |