cpuFeatureMask | HostCpuIdInfo[] |
Specifies the CPU feature compatibility masks.
family | xsd:string |
Family to which this guest operating system belongs.
fullName | xsd:string |
Full name of the guest operating system.
For example, if the value of "id" is "win2000Pro", then
the value of "fullName" is "Windows 2000 Professional".
ich7mRecommended | xsd:boolean |
Whether I/O Controller Hub is recommended for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
id | xsd:string |
Identifier (short name) for the guest operating system.
numSupportedCoresPerSocket | xsd:int |
Maximum number of cores per socket for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
numSupportedPhysicalSockets | xsd:int |
Maximum number of sockets supported for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
recommendedColorDepth | xsd:int |
Recommended default color depth for this guest.
recommendedDiskController | xsd:string |
Recommended default disk controller type for this guest.
recommendedDiskSizeMB | xsd:int |
Recommended default disk size for this guest, in MB.
recommendedEthernetCard | xsd:string |
Recommended default ethernet controller type for this guest.
recommendedFirmware | xsd:string |
Recommended firmware type for this guest.
Possible values are described in
Since vSphere API 5.0
recommendedMemMB | xsd:int |
Recommended default memory size for this guest, in MB.
recommendedSCSIController | xsd:string |
Recommended default SCSI controller type for this guest.
recommendedUSBController | xsd:string |
Recommended default USB controller type for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
smcRecommended | xsd:boolean |
Whether SMC (Apple hardware) is recommended for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
smcRequired | xsd:boolean |
Flag that indicates wether the guest requires an SMC (Apple hardware).
This is logically equivalent to GuestOS = Mac OS
Since vSphere API 5.0
supportedDiskControllerList | xsd:string[] |
List of supported disk controller types for this guest.
supportedEthernetCard | xsd:string[] |
List of supported ethernet cards for this guest.
supportedFirmware | xsd:string[] |
Supported firmware types for this guest.
Possible values are described in
Since vSphere API 5.0
supportedForCreate | xsd:boolean |
Whether or not this guest should be allowed for selection
during virtual machine creation.
Since vSphere API 5.0
supportedMaxCPUs | xsd:int |
Maximum number of processors supported for this guest.
supportedMaxMemMB | xsd:int |
Maximum memory requirements supported for this guest, in MB.
supportedMinMemMB | xsd:int |
Minimum memory requirements supported for this guest, in MB.
supportedNumDisks | xsd:int |
Number of disks supported for this guest.
supportedUSBControllerList | xsd:string[] |
List of supported USB controllers for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
supportLevel | xsd:string |
Support level of this Guest
Possible values are described in
Since vSphere API 5.0
supports3D | xsd:boolean |
Whether this guest supports 3D graphics.
Since vSphere API 5.0
supportsCpuHotAdd | xsd:boolean |
Whether virtual CPUs can be added to this guest
while the virtual machine is running.
Since vSphere API 4.0
supportsCpuHotRemove | xsd:boolean |
Whether virtual CPUs can be removed from this guest
while the virtual machine is running.
Since vSphere API 4.0
supportsMemoryHotAdd | xsd:boolean |
Whether the memory size for this guest can be changed
while the virtual machine is running.
Since vSphere API 4.0
supportsSlaveDisk | xsd:boolean |
Flag to indicate whether or not this guest can support
a disk configured as a slave.
supportsVMI | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether or not this guest supports the virtual
machine interface.
Since vSphere API 4.0
supportsWakeOnLan | xsd:boolean |
Flag to indicate whether or not this guest can support Wake-on-LAN.
usbRecommended | xsd:boolean |
Whether USB controller is recommended for this guest.
Since vSphere API 5.0
vRAMSizeInKB | IntOption |
Video RAM size limits supported by this guest, in KB.
Since vSphere API 5.0
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |