configVersion | xsd:string |
The version string of the configuration.
contact | DVSContactInfo |
The human operator contact information.
createTime | xsd:dateTime |
The create time of the switch.
defaultPortConfig | DVPortSetting |
The default configuration for the ports in the switch, if the port
does not inherit configuration from the parent portgroup or has
its own configuration.
description | xsd:string |
A description string of the switch.
extensionKey | xsd:string |
The key of the extension registered by the remote server that
controls the switch.
host | DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMember[] |
The hosts that join the switch.
maxPorts | xsd:int |
The maximum number of ports allowed in the switch,
not including conflict ports.
name | xsd:string |
The name of the switch.
networkResourceManagementEnabled | xsd:boolean |
Boolean to indicate if network I/O control is enabled on the
Since vSphere API 4.1
numPorts | xsd:int |
Current number of ports, not including conflict ports.
numStandalonePorts | xsd:int |
The number of standalone ports in the switch. Standalone ports are
ports that do not belong to any portgroup.
policy | DVSPolicy |
The usage policy of the switch.
productInfo | DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec |
The vendor, product, and version information for the implementation
module of the switch.
switchIpAddress | xsd:string |
IP address for the switch, specified using IPv4 dot notation. The
utility of this address is defined by other switch features.
Since vSphere API 5.0
targetInfo | DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec |
The intended vendor, product, and version information for the
implementation module of the switch.
uplinkPortgroup | ManagedObjectReference[]
to a
DistributedVirtualPortgroup[] |
The uplink portgroups. When adding host members, a number of
uplink ports, based on uplinkPortPolicy, are created for
the host. If portgroups are shown here, those uplink ports will
be added to the portgroups, with uplink ports evenly spread among
the portgroups.
uplinkPortPolicy | DVSUplinkPortPolicy |
The uplink port policy.
uuid | xsd:string |
The generated UUID of the switch. Unique across vCenter Server
inventory and instances.
vendorSpecificConfig | DistributedVirtualSwitchKeyedOpaqueBlob[] |
An opaque binary blob that stores vendor specific configuration.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |