Data Object - DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection

Property of
HostVirtualNicConnection, HostVirtualNicSpec, VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo, VnicPortArgument
vSphere API 4.0

Data Object Description

The class that represents a connection or an association between DistributedVirtualPort and a Virtual NIC or Physical NIC.


Name Type Description

The cookie that represents this portConnection instance for the port. The value of this property is generated from the implementation. Any value set in a reconfiguring operation is ignored.

The key of portgroup. If specified, this object represents a connection or an association between a DistributedVirtualPortgroup and a Virtual NIC/pNIC. In this case, setting of portKey is not necessary for a early-binding portgroup and is not allowed for a late-binding portgroup. The portKey property will be populated by the implementation at the time of port binding.

The key of the port. If specified, this object represents a connection or an association between an individual DistributedVirtualPort and a Virtual NIC/pNIC. See portgroupKey for more information on populating this property.

The UUID of the switch.
Properties inherited from DynamicData
dynamicProperty, dynamicType
*Need not be set
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