configVersion | xsd:string |
Version string of the configuration.
contact | DVSContactInfo |
Human operator contact information.
createTime | xsd:dateTime |
Create time of the switch.
defaultPortConfig | DVPortSetting |
Default configuration for the ports in the switch, if the port
does not inherit configuration from the parent portgroup or has
its own configuration.
defaultProxySwitchMaxNumPorts | xsd:int |
Default host proxy switch maximum port number
Since vSphere API 5.1
description | xsd:string |
Description string for the switch.
extensionKey | xsd:string |
Key of the extension registered by the remote server that
controls the switch.
healthCheckConfig | DVSHealthCheckConfig[] |
VDS health check configuration.
Since vSphere API 5.1
host | DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMember[] |
Hosts that join the switch.
maxPorts | xsd:int |
Maximum number of ports allowed in the switch,
not including conflict ports.
name | xsd:string |
Name of the switch.
networkResourceManagementEnabled | xsd:boolean |
Boolean to indicate if network I/O control is enabled on the
Since vSphere API 4.1
numPorts | xsd:int |
Current number of ports, not including conflict ports.
numStandalonePorts | xsd:int |
Number of standalone ports in the switch. Standalone ports are
ports that do not belong to any portgroup.
policy | DVSPolicy |
Usage policy of the switch.
productInfo | DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec |
Vendor, product, and version information for the implementation
module of the switch.
switchIpAddress | xsd:string |
IP address for the switch, specified using IPv4 dot notation. The
utility of this address is defined by other switch features.
Since vSphere API 5.0
targetInfo | DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec |
Intended vendor, product, and version information for the
implementation module of the switch.
uplinkPortgroup | ManagedObjectReference[]
to a
DistributedVirtualPortgroup[] |
List of uplink portgroups. When adding host members, the server
uses the uplinkPortPolicy to create a number of
uplink ports for the host. If portgroups are shown here,
those uplink ports will be added to the portgroups, with uplink ports
evenly spread among the portgroups.
uplinkPortPolicy | DVSUplinkPortPolicy |
Uplink port policy.
uuid | xsd:string |
Generated UUID of the switch. Unique across vCenter Server
inventory and instances.
vendorSpecificConfig | DistributedVirtualSwitchKeyedOpaqueBlob[] |
Opaque binary blob that stores vendor specific configuration.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |