description | xsd:string |
Description of this managed entity type. This is typically displayed
by clients, and should provide users with information about the
function of entities of this type.
iconUrl | xsd:string |
The URL to an icon in PNG format that is no larger than 256x256
pixels. This icon will be scaled to 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, and
128x128 if needed. The icon is shown for all entities of this type
managed by this extension.
Since vSphere API 5.1
smallIconUrl | xsd:string |
The URL to a 16x16 pixel icon in PNG format for entities of this
type managed by this extension. The design of the icon should
allow for the possibility of it being badged with the power state
of the entity by the vSphere client. If you do not provide this
icon, the icon at
iconUrl, if found, is
scaled down to 16x16 pixels.
type | xsd:string |
Managed entity type, as defined by the extension. This matches the
type field in the configuration
about a virtual machine or vApp.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
dynamicProperty, dynamicType |